Possibly the best Tekken 3 site on the internet , has all the latest info plus the only chat room and discussion board that all the top players frequent. Also an excellent example of brilliant , original web page design.
Play a demo of Puzzle Fighter 2 Online!
Other Fanfic pages worth visiting
The Video Game fanfic links on this page will cease to be updated since I starte the Video Game Fanfiction Ring. All sites that are not in the ring or have not been submitted will have their links remain here. Click on the picture below to enter the ring

The First ever Tekken fan fiction page!
This is a simple page that contains the start of a brilliant Tekken fan fiction written by Vanessa Adams as well
as the webmaster's own Tekken fanfic.
An X Men fanfic : After the Flood
Not so much an X men fanfic but more Generation X , this superbly created Fanfic takes place in a world where
mutants are accepted for what they area , and the X Men are needed no more. Written from young Jubilee's point
of view , this is a must read despite the promised sequel not likely to be written.
Toshinden : All Roads Crossing
A Toshinden fanfic written by Vanessa Adams dealing with the events leading up to the Toshinden tournament,
another novel length fanfic but worth the long read
Video Game and Anime fanfiction
This site mainly holds a King of Fighters 96 vs Street Fighter fanfic , with some incredible fights between
the various characters. Updated fairly regularly.
The Street Fighter Fan Fiction Vault
A collection of various fanfics from Gouki's Page of Nothing , some are quite interesting , and some are
comical, check them out
My Friends' Web Pages
This one is his own weird personal page!
My weird friend Flight's page. Not a bad page for something about nothing

A page dedicated to Asian pop stars and generally all stuff Asian 3/5, lotsa pictures of Asian pop star cuties and quizzes.
For those wanting celebrities more Western , Celebrity Central has a good collection of Gillian Anderson, Cameron Diaz , Alicia Silverstone and more!